Google Revamps Employee Review System Following Criticism

Google Revamps Employee Review System Following Criticism

Google has overhauled its employee performance journal process, reducing the number of reviews that staff will face each year from two to one, Google CEO Sundar Pichai told employees on Wednesday. The new reviews schedule is intended to boost morale once reducing the time employees take to prepare their assessments, according to a report from The Information.

Pichai reportedly furious the internal "Googlegeist" survey that the commercial conducts every year. In it, employees expressed dissatisfaction with promotional opportunities within the commercial, among other things. Pichai said that only 53% of Googlers felt the unique system is "time well spent."

Google did not respond to a request for comment, but linked to a webpage outlining the changes. 

For Google employees, the once-a-year review system will still allow them to be chosen for promotion twice a year. The move follows Meta, which also changed to once-a-year performance reviews last year. 

The new rules will also establish new ratings for Googlers, ranking employees on the still of impact they have on the company. This can design from transformative impact to moderate impact to not enough impacts. Google told employees that the changes being made deem shifts in the market and a "renewed focus" on staff loan.

Workers can also now transfer to a new role and keep their same still. Before, they would have had to transfer to the new job to then qualify for a promotion. 

There's been growing punitive within Silicon Valley as workers are being told to posterior to office. In an anonymous survey conducted on the website Blind, 62% of surveyed workers said they weren't happy with rear to office, which began to take place last month.

Many Silicon Valley companies are running through employees, with Amazon Web Services seeing anywhere between 20% to 50% turnover rate, according to Bloomberg. Uber is also seeing a 20% loss in staff, according to a report by Business Insider. And according a view last year, 72% of IT workers are considering quitting their jobs within 12 months. These might be the market forces prompting a testy within Google.